by the League City Garden Club, League City, TX leaguecitygardenclub.org
- Humor: Always have fun as you spread your passion for gardening while sharing its beautiful results. It’s contagious; makes it easier to work with volunteers.
- Planning and work:
- Start planning 5 to 6 months before the event.
- Work with large groups: garden clubs, master gardeners, historical societies, civic groups, charitable organizations. It’s easier to enlist passionate, talented, and skilled volunteers.
- Organize committees. Appoint committee leaders. They should: possess good interpersonal skills; have a sense of humor; be problem solvers: be clear communicators; delegate tasks and network with others; show due courtesy and respect.
- Identify your Cause: Charity, awareness, education, fundraising, scholarships, etc.?
- Theme: The theme’s title should bind the gardens by what they share in common; should be catchy, easily remembered, and publicized by print and electronic media.
- Money: Is there enough seed money?
- Build a flexible budget: Estimate costs: e.g., insurance, rental, permits, photography, security, print materials, website, hospitality, entertainment, paid advertising, signs, etc.
- Assign a bookkeeper, usually a treasurer, to keep track of expenses, and to assure budget status.
- Ask businesses to donate their services for the cause, leading to future possibility they’ll become an integral part.
- Liability Insurance/ disclaimers: Insurance and disclaimers are necessary for peace of mind of garden owners, tourists, your city. Place disclaimers on your print material, tickets, and website.
- Permits, Fees: Research city and subdivision ordinances, obtain permits, and pay fees.
- Flexibility and Back-Up Plan: Things ALWAYS change. Always have a back-up plan!
- Health: Relax and indulge in stress-busters: Remember to eat and enjoy being with family.
- Event Day (s): Assure volunteers meet, greet, and guide visitors; assist with directions, promote, interact, and clean up.
- Wrap -up meetings: After the event, schedule meetings for feedback; discuss “goods” and “bads;” budgets. Were goals met? Is it worth doing again? Reward, thank garden owners, all donors and volunteers. Pat yourselves on the back. PARTY!