By: John Ferguson

Subject: herbicides (glyphosate) and health 

A recent study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute measured glyphosate levels in the urine of study participants. They found that high levels were associated with a reaction in the body called oxidative stress, that cause damage to our DNA. 

Other studies have found that oxidative stress is linked to cancers such as lymphoma, myeloma, and leukemia. 

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the herbicide Round Up. Genetically engineered foods (GMOs) have the highest levels of glyphosate in them, followed by conventionally grown vegetables and grains. Fast food chains typically use the most GMO foods as they are the cheapest, hence have the most toxic glyphosate in them. 

To protect the health of you and your family: 1) grow as much of your own food as possible organically using heirloom vegetables 2) avoid fast foods, GMOs, and 3) purchase organic produce when you can. 

Researchers at the University of Iowa has found that glyphosate significantly affects gut microbiota. 

The microbes in our gut produce many benefice enzymes. Remember that glyphosate was originally patented in 1964 as an enzyme disrupter and it was patented as an antibiotic in 2001 (US Patent #7,771,736)! 

Glyphosate was also patented as a demineralizer to clean pipes (US Patent # 3,160,632). As a result, it ties up the nutrients we need for good health and prevents them from being absorbed by our bodies. 

This also hurts our health as many metals are co-factors for many enzymes and the enzymes cannot work without them. Hence the chelating properties of glyphosate locks up these metals and prevent the enzymes from working. 

Have you ever wondered why so many folks are having digestive disorders or must take probiotics? Other studies have found that even low dose exposure to glyphosate reduced the abundance of beneficial bacteria like Bifidobacterium pseudolongum and Lactobacillus sp. This should not surprise anyone as antibiotics kill bacteria (see patent mentioned above). 

A senior researcher at the university Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Stepanie Seneff, PhD has been studying the dangers of glyphosate for years. “The increase in glyphosate usage in the USA and Canada, is extremely well corelated with the concurrent increase in the incidence of multiple diseases, including breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, kidney cancer, thyroid cancer, liver cancer, bladder cancer, and myeloid leukemia.” 

The Doctor Mercola newsletter recently explained that the human body uses the common amino acid glycine to build protein’s in our body. “The glyphosate molecule has a glycine molecule as part of its structure (hence the “gly” in glyphosate).” Researchers believe that the body can substitute glyphosate and its breakdown product AMPA into peptides and proteins, which results in corrupted and defective molecules 

The reasons to only use modern biological methods (organic) is essential if one wants to protect their families, get better results, and save money.