John's Corner:

News from the Wonderful World of Soil & plants 260

By: John Ferguson

Subject: glyphosate fluoride & IQ tree sweat EMF and health 

The reasons to grow more of our own food or only purchase organic, continue to grow. Independent testing has found that foods from Chili’s Grill & Bar, Domino’s Pizza, Dunkin’ Donuts, IHOP, Le Pain Quotidien, McDonald’s, Olive Garden, Outback Steakhouse, Panera Bread, Papa John’s, Pizza Hut, Pret a Manger, Subway, Taco Bell, and Whole Foods Market were tested and found contaminated with the weedkiller glyphosate. The full White Paper on the findings can be found at: 

Research is finding exposure to this toxic chemical and its breakdown products are behind many human health problems. 

Research from the UC Berkley School of Public Health has found that childhood exposure to glyphosate (the active ingredient in Round Up and other herbicides) is linked to liver inflammation and metabolic disorder in early adulthood, which could lead to liver cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease later in life. Journal Environmental Health Perspectives (2023) We have talked about how fluoride hurts the growth of many species of plants and makes them susceptible to disease on several occasions. Fluoride also combines with other elements in the soil cementing soil particles together creating “hardpan” that is bad for plants (reduces oxygen and water absorption). 

The Epoch Times newspaper recently had a multipage report on how new research has shown fluoride exposure is linked to reduced IQ and ADHD in children. The MIREC study (Maternal-Infant Research on Environmental Chemicals) by Health Canada, was a multi-year study and one of the largest to date. 

Many pesticides contain lots of fluoride as it is very toxic, in addition to what is in toothpaste and drinking water there are lots of ways to be exposed. Another reason to only purchase organic fruits and vegetables and at least avoid exposure from pesticides. 

The Epoch Times newspaper back in May also reported that many of the sources of fluoride used for treating our water supply is contaminated with arsenic which is poisonous and a strong carcinogen. 

There was a short article in Nasa Science titled “Sweating Can Be Cool” that caught my attention. It was about how and why plants and trees sweat. 

They cool the air through the process called transpiration. As the water is released into the atmosphere it absorbs a lot of heat energy to change its phase from a liquid to a gas. 

As the water escape it pulls up more water from the root zone carrying nutrients to the plants stem and leaves. The water molecule then exits the plant through the leaf pores or what we call stomata. This past summer with the extreme drought many trees and plants could not get enough water for this process to work which resulted in tree death. 

The article was about new sensing technology that can be used from space to measure this process. It can record leaf temperature changes and other data to help understand how our climate affects us. 

As a child growing up there was an electric power line in an easement behind my parent’s house. There were all kinds of “danger” warning signs posted on them. I often wondered about the electrical towers and power lines and if they could affect my health. 

A study recently published in the journal Science Advances (2023) has found these electric magnetic fields (EMF) do affect plants and animals living in the vicinity. The study found there was less flowering by plants growing around the towers. Next, they looked at honeybees since they use natural electromagnetic fields to navigate. There was an increase in stress hormones in bees living around the towers.