John's Corner:

Soil & Plants (Part 125)

News from the Wonderful World of Soil & plants 125

By: John Ferguson

From one of our readers, Deany M. sent it this tip: “A few months ago I purchased the Beneficial Nematodes at Amazon … I put the pkg in the fridge – finally got around to using it couple of weeks ago and I put a new yellow stickie on a stick in the pot … and one on the window next to the plant. I have not had ONE gnat on the yellow stickie … they are GONE! 

Fungus Gnat Yellow Sticky Stuff: for the window … I use ¼ of the yellow sticky stuff. It’s sticky on both sides … so I just peel about ½” down on one side and stick to the window … the peel the front side. The attached photo I took was a “NEW” sticky … been up about 1 day … w/in a week … it would be covered … same for the one I put on a stick in the soil! 

Beneficial Nematodes-SF – WONDERFUL!! 

A few months ago, I purchased the Beneficial Nematodes at Amazon … I put the pkg in the fridge – finally got around to using it couple of weeks ago and I put a new yellow stickie on a stick in the pot … and one on the window next to the plant. I have not had ONE gnat on the yellow stickie … they are GONE!”     

Note: I have successfully used beneficial nematodes several times in the past to get rid of fleas, biting gnats and other pest insects. I have always applied in the fall and winter when the soils are cooler and have more moisture. Good to hear that they were still effective in our summer heat. 

Another benefit of using minerals (rock dust) is it increases the sequestering of carbon from the air (this is usually in the form of extremely valuable humus). A study published in the journal Nature by researchers at the University of Sheffield, found that using finely crushed basalt and adding it to croplands could draw down up to two Billion tons of carbon dioxide per year! The estimated cost is about the same as other carbon reduction strategies. However, the one huge difference is that it would also increase     

the nutrient density of our food. Note: Basalt sand is a major ingredient of the Re-mineralizer product. 

Another study by the University of California at San Diego has found that wetlands reduce damage from flooding and tropical storms. They found that the value of this ecosystem service is $1.8 million for just one square kilometer per year ($4.7 million per square mile). Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences (2020). 

I heard a new term the other day called “the greenconsumption effect” which is about how using a green product creates a warm glow feeling in users. When consumers spend money on green purchases it makes them feel better about those purchases. Concordia University, Journal of Consumer Research (2019). Another reason to garden organically and purchase organic foods. 

The disease citrus greening that is caused by the bacteria (HLB), is a major problem in many areas. Research at the University of Florida has found that organic methods and using cover crops between the rows of citrus protects the trees from this disease. When used with low till or better yet no-till methods, the results are even better, especially if roller crimping is used to reduce the cover crop to mulch. Cover crops increase the soils microbiome which helps the citrus trees be healthier. They found that if the trees are healthy, they can still produce good fruit even if they have HLB.     

Bats are a major pollinator of many flowers especially cactus. Bats use echolocation to locate flowers at night and some flowers have evolved a reflective surface to send the signal back to the bat. However, the cactus Espostoa frutescens does the opposite as it has woody hairs that absorbs the signal, reducing the background noise, hence the reflected signal stands out since there is less background noise to interfere with the bat hearing the signal. “Nature (God) is very creative. A cactus has no sense of what it is to be a bat –it can’t see, smell, or echolocate—but here it is, sending a signal in a language the bat can understand.” 

Successful gardeners are always looking to increase the nitrogen in our soils. The best and most cost-effective way is by copying nature which is the way that God has done it for millions of years. 

They are many species of plants that work with microbes in the soil to take nitrogen from the air and break the very strong chemical bonds that hold two nitrogen atoms together. We call these plants legumes. They could be clovers, members of the bean and pea family to shrubs and trees. There are many of these microbes that are collectively known as rhizobia that establish themselves inside of a plants root system where together they form a root nodule. We have recently learned that different species of plants only work with certain species of rhizobia, hence we have to match the species that work together for best results. 

One thing that all these rhizobia have in common is that they require the element molybdenum (Mo) to work. One can dig up a root section and cut open one of the nodules and check its size and color. The larger the nodule the greater ability to fix and provide nitrogen to the plant. Additionally, the darker the pink, maroon or purple the color, the more molybdenum one has in your soil. The best way to ensure one has enough molybdenum is to use trace mineral packages like our Re-Mineralizer every few years. Ocean products (fish, seaweed, etc.) also contain traces of molybdenum and can help provide molybdenum if used on a regular basis. 

The second method that nature uses is a group of microbes known as azobacter (azotobacter) which is a family of bacteria species. These microbes absorb the nitrogen from the air that is in the soil and release nitrogen in the form of ammonias that perennial plants require. They also produce and release other compounds (amino acids, glutamic, methionine, tryptophan, lysine, and arginine. They also produce vitamins (B 1-6, B-12, C and E) along with phytohormones indoleacetic acid, gibberellic acid and cytokines. 

You probably recognize many of these compounds as they are sold at your local health food store as supplements. Why are they sold in health food stores… conventional toxic chemical farming kills off these beneficial microbes hence they are not in our food! These compounds help strengthen our immune system and help protect us from viruses like covid-19. 

Recently it was discovered that these azobacter can also exist on a leaf’s surface in a cyst form and provide these nutrients directly to the plant. These good microbes also occupy space on the leaf’s surface and prevent disease organisms from finding a spot to infect the leaf. This is one of the reasons why a good quality compost tea helps a plant resist disease. We now know that many cysts or galls found on leaves may be very beneficial to the plant. Hence removing the leaves or treating with some chemical actually hurts the plants overall health. 

Note: From previous articles many plants from perennials to trees trade nitrogen for other elements they need like phosphorous or magnesium, etc. Legumes trade nitrogen to get the other nutrients they need. This is why diversity of species in our gardens is essential to good health and growth. They work together so folks whom practice organic eco-system gardening have much better success.     

This is from Vani Hari aka the “Food Babe” newsletter this week, whom is the author of best-selling book, Feeding You Lies, that I reviewed a few weeks ago. 

“If your pockets are deep enough, you can get basically anything you want in the “News”. 

An investigative report was recently published in Columbia Journalism Review (CJR), which exposes how the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has funneled more than $250 million into news agencies such as the NY Times, BBC, NBC, NPR, The Guardian, Univision, The Financial Times, The Atlantic, and many more. 

You may know that Gates has a long history of investing millions into chemical companies too – like Monsanto (he bought 500,000 shares of the company) and widely promotes the development of GMO crops throughout the world even though the chemicals in Roundup that are sprayed on GMO crops are cancerous. 

The CJR report outlines how some Gates-funded news outlets have gone on to write “glowing editorials” about Gates and his many projects. Fact-check platforms PolitiFact and USA Today also received funding from Gates and defended him from “conspiracy theories” circulating online. And it goes much deeper than this.     

At some point you’ve got to wonder, am I reading “the news” or a paid PR piece? 

This really hit home… 

The food and chemical industries have used paid messengers in the media for decades to swindle the public into believing processed foods full of GMOs, artificial colors, and other chemical additives (like Kellogg’s new Unicorn Waffles) are safe, fun, and good for you. When you sell food that makes people sick, it turns out you have to spend a lot of time and money trying to convince people it’s not your fault. “ 

Note: Numerous medical studies have now linked the severity of covid-19 infection to eating junk food loaded with toxic chemicals especially the herbicide glyphosate found in products like Round-Up. 

A very common tactic today, when a whistle blower exposes the dangers or deception of a product like a drug or agricultural chemical, is to hire a public relations firm and groups of scientists whom sell their soul, to discredit the individual trying to do good and help people. Many have lost their jobs and had their careers ruined because they refused to sell out the American people. 

A few years back I did a series of articles on the dangers of glyphosate-based herbicide used in Round-Up. Several of the researchers formally with the USDA, EPA, or major universities could not publish or talk about their findings (research) until they retired or they would have lost their jobs and pensions. 

A book on the cover up by government scientists, politicians and media is “WHITE WASH – The Story of a Weed Killer, Cancer, and the Corruption of Science”, by Carey Gillam, Island Press, 2017, ISBN-13: 978-1610918329.     

This revelation has led to over 80,000 lawsuits against Monsanto for causing cancer and other health problems. 

A few books on the subject are: 

Merchants of DOUBT: How a handful of scientists obscured the truth on issues from Tobacco smoke to global warming, by Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway, Bloomsbury Press, 2010, ISBN: 978-1-59691-610-4 

Science For Sale: How the US Government Uses Powerful Corporations and Leading Universities to Support Government Policies, Silence Top Scientists, Jeopardize Our Health, and Protect Corporate Profits, by David Lewis, PhD., Skyhorse Publishing, 2014, ISBN: 978-1-62636-071-6 

“Plague of Corruption – Restoring Faith In The Promise of Science”, by Dr. Judy Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively, JD, Sky Horse Publishing, 2020, ISBN-13: 978-1-5107-52224-5 

THE TRIUMPH OF DOUBT – Dark Money and The Science of Deception, David Michaels, Oxford University Press, 2020, ISBN: 978-01-90922665 

I started reading a new book by a medical doctor this morning, that stated that 11 million Americans die each year from causes directly related to our food supply! 

How often does the media give us information about the extremely poor unhealthy food supply? Or the thousands that die from vaccinations? They don’t! They do not want to lose their revenue from the advertising dollars. 

They may tell us about a disease outbreak on some vegetables but somehow forget to mention those vegetables were fertilized with sewage sludge.     

The reasons to garden organically and grow as much of our own food as possible increase daily.