By: John Ferguson

I was reading another study this morning from Yale University where they were testing the crumb rubber that is used to make rubber mulch and used in sports fields with artificial turf. The crushed tires are used as padding under the synthetic turf used on sports fields.

The research found over 100 different compounds in the rubber and less than 50 had ever been tested for toxicity. Of those tested most were carcinogens or irritants.
In another set of tests they found 96 chemicals in 14 samples. Of these, 47 had never been tested for safety or health effects. Of these chemicals, 40 are known irritants and 12 are respiratory irritants of which some cause asthma and 10 are known carcinogens.

The researchers stated that the shredded tires contain a veritable “witches brew” of toxic substances and they are a hazardous waste.

Health data has also been collected by the sports department at the University of Washington and they found that 124 soccer players have cancer and 85 are goalies whom spend more time on the ground than other players.
The study was commissioned by the organization, “Environment and Human Health”. They (Nancy Alderman) stated children should never be allowed to play on synthetic turf.

I believe that this should extend to playgrounds that use rubber mulch and children should not be allowed to play on them.

Rubber tire mulch should never be used in a landscape. Children should never be allowed to play on synthetic turf that uses crumb rubber as padding.