BY BARBARA BUCKLEY Fort Bend County Master Gardeners
Pictured above are two of the plants FORT BEND COUNTY MASTER GARDENERS expect to be best-sellers at their Sat., Oct. 7, Fall VegetableHerb Plant Sale — Mexican Mint Marigold (Tagetes Lucida) and Green Magic Broccoli, two that should thrive across the Greater Houston area.
- Mexican Mint Marigold (Tagetes Lucid) is a great substitute for Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus). Traditional tarragon is difficult to grow in our humidity. Mexican Mint leaves have the scent of tarragon with a licorice-anise flavor. Drought-/heat-resistant, full or partial sun, 3’ tall, may need protection below 32°
- Green Magic Broccoli, a Super Star, is an early maturing variety with slightly small heads. Once the main head is harvested, the plant will continue to produce side shoots as long as the weather remains cool. Protect the plants if temperatures drop below freezing.
Other choices that have members excited include:
- Salad Burnet a great substitute if you can’t eat cucumber but miss the flavor. Full sun, part shade. Drought tolerant, grows spring through summer. Likes container. Versatile, low-mounding shape in landscape.
- Lettuce: Buttercrunch, Black-Seeded Simpson Oakleaf, and Red Salad Bowl lettuce. Plant will grow new leaves after leaves are picked. Afternoon shade. Fall still too warm for young lettuce so additional watering will help with wilting