John's Corner:
Growing Organic Food
News from the Wonderful World of Soil & plants 49
By: John Ferguson
Why We Need To Grow Our Own Food Organically
The focus of today’s article is why we need to grow our own food organically: fruits, vegetables and herbs.
In numerous articles we have discussed the extremely poor quality of our food supply that is contaminated with toxic chemicals and is nutrient poor. The chart below is from government data and shows what has happened. From the Dr. Mercola’s e-newsletter.
This chart starts in the year 1900 through the present and illustrates how the levels of essential elements (minerals) have steadily dropped with toxic chemical agriculture. The further we have moved away from how plants grow by the natural laws that God gave us, the poorer the quality. As clearly shown, every time the toxic chemical industry and it flunkies in the USDA and many major agricultural universities tell us we need to do something else, the quality has gone down.
I know the chart is hard to read, hence the first nutrient-mineral-element shown is phosphorus (P), the next one down is selenium (Se), then copper (Cu), magnesium (Mg), cobalt (Co), calcium (Ca), zinc (Zn) and lastly iron (Fe). For those whom wish to learn how these minerals affect our health go to the Nature’s Way Resource website at the link below and click on the element you wish to learn about. http:// /minerals.html
As one can see the “so called” improvement has caused a decline in nutrition or nutrient density as it is sometimes referred to. It starts with mechanical tillage that destroys the organic matter in the soil, without the organic matter the soil cannot hold nitrogen and other nutrients so artificial fertilizers are used. This kills beneficial life in the soil which helps plants absorb nutrients and be healthy, as a result plants are unhealthy and are targets for insects and disease who’s role in nature is to get rid of unhealthy plants. We then treat the unhealthy plants with the toxic chemicals that pollute and cause hundreds of health problems, and the nutrient density declines even more. Now they tell us that we have to have GMO’s to feed the world and use more herbicide and the nutrient density or quality gets worse (not to mention the tasteless food we have today).
Several studies have stated that we have to eat over 4 ears of non-GMO corn to get the same nutrition on ear of corn had in 1903. We get calories that make us fat but not the required nutrition that makes us healthy.
Now they tell us we need GMO’s, so let’s look at what happens to the nutrient density of one crop or vegetable (in this case corn) when it is a GMO’ variety. As you can see Non-GMO corn has from 7 to over 400 times more nutrients than GMO corn! Also the GMO corn has very high levels of the herbicide glyphosate (Round-Up) a known carcinogen according to the WHO (World Health Organization) and many other institutions. As a bonus the GMO corn had high levels of formaldehyde another known carcinogen. No one in their right mind would buy a GMO product (or maybe the toxic chemical contamination and poor nutrition is why they are not in their right mind). All we have to do is watch the nightly news to see this from violent crimes to school shootings.
The results are in parts per million (ppm). For those whom are not familiar with chemical shorthand: N – nitrogen, P – phosphorous, K – potassium, Ca – calcium, Mg – magnesium, S – sulfur, Mn – manganese, Fe – iron, Zn – zinc, Cu – copper, Co – cobalt, Mo – molybdenum, B – boron, Se – selenium, and Cl – chloride.
The chart below is from the Natural News e-newsletter and is an illustration of health problems directly related to a lack of nutrition that we refer to as minerals or elements. Society today has hundreds of health problems caused or aggravated by nutrient (mineral) deficiencies.
Another example of nutrient/mineral deficiencies are food cravings (below are a few examples). The series of articles last year on minerals has a lot more examples.
What Your Body Needs
Chocolate Magnesium (Mg)
Chromium (Cr)
Vanadium (Va)
Sugary Foods Chromium (Cr)
Carbon (C)
Phosphorus (P)
Sulfur (S)
Breads, Pasta & Carbs. Nitrogen (N)
Carbon (C)
Oily Foods Calcium (Ca)
Salty Foods Chloride (Cl)
Silicon (Si)
Bottom line is that if you want to protect your families and pets, we have to grow our own food, and do so using the modern methods based on soil biology that we call “Organic”. They have to be grown in organic mineral rich soil full of beneficial microbes for the plants to absorb the minerals.
If you want to grow your own food and do not know how, the following book by my friend and colleague is:
” Year Round Vegetables, Fruits and Flowers for Metro Houston ,” by Bob Randall, PhD., Retired Executive Director Urban Harvest. A resource guide on how to grow plants in the Houston area organically and where to get the supplies you may need. It is sold at many area gardening centers. One of the very best resources for Houston and Gulf Coast. Highly Recommended
If you want to learn why and how organic methods work, the following book is for the average homeowner (from fruits and vegetables to turf grass and trees).
Teaming with Microbes. 2 nd edition , A Gardener’s Guide to the Soil Food Web, by Jeff Lowenfels & Wayne Lewis, Timber Press, 2013, ISBN-13: 9781604691139, Highly Recommended.