John's Corner:

Did Chemical Lawn Company Ruin Her Soil forever?

Mulch Corner

By: John Ferguson

This past week I received an email that I found both encouraging and that echoed questions I often receive when I speak to gardeners: 

“It has been a while since my wonderful tour of the (Nature’s Way Resources ) facility. I am so impressed by your knowledge and request your help. 

“I found my yard maintenance man spraying weed killer on my raised beds in my yard. I have edible plants and herbs growing there. I am very concerned about what it has done to my plants and soil. I filled my plant beds with soil I purchased from Nature’s Way (Resources ). 

“I was told it was Roundup (that he used). I would like your advice on what to do with my plants that are still in the ground and the soil for future planting. 

“My landscape company seems to think this is no big deal and that we all eat food sprayed by Roundup. I make medicine from these herbs for my family and others. I am very concerned about the effects. 

“Thank you for any advice you can give on this matter”. — Janette 

(EDITOR’S NOTE: the active ingredient in Roundup is glyphosate) 

Dear Janette, 

I am so sorry to hear that glyphosate was used on your property as it often takes years to fully recover and correct the damage done to the soil. We now know the safety studies on glyphosate submitted to the EPA were falsified by Monsanto in collusion with EPA administrators. 

Over 20 countries will not even allow it to be sold, and other countries have even banned the import of any food grown with this herbicide. I did a series of articles on this subject in our gardening e-newsletter a couple years ago that I have attached for your reference. 

(EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is a link to a variety of articles on this and related topics:

The product kills weeds by preventing them from absorbing nutrients (which weakens them) and at the same time stimulating plant pathogens in the soil which then kill the weakened plants. This toxic chemical has been shown to cancer and also causes or aggravate hundreds of other human health problems. It is slowly broken down by bacteria that stimulate the growth and germination of many weed species, hence weed problems tend to get worse after it is use. To speed the breakdown of glyphosate in the soil one can repeatedly apply agricultural molasses and seaweed based products that stimulate the growth of microbes to breakdown this toxic chemical. 

This will need to be done over many months. If your plants are alive, they most likely did not come into direct contact with the glyphosate If any plants are looking sickly do not use or eat them. 

Extra compost and composted native mulch will also help speed the breakdown this chemical over time. Currently, there are hundreds of lawsuits against Monsanto, this product’s maker, and hundreds of others against the companies that apply them, IF you did not give them permission to apply this toxic chemical. 

Read the attached article and if you have additional questions you can contact me or go to the or Dr. Mercola’s website and search on glyphosate for additional information. You will find hundreds of article on the dangers of its use. 

Regards, John